VANHARLEY KENNELS German Shepherd Dogs 

Vanharley Oakley 'A' 'Z' Breed Survey Classified - GRD EXCELLENT - DM CLEAR - RETIRED
"Oakley -Now RETIRED"
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Oakley had her first show at the GSDCA 47th National show under Judge Herr Richard Brauch SV (Germany) and gained a 2nd place - Minor Puppy Bitch and was graded Very promising in a large class of 33 quality females. Pictured on the pegs and with her handler Stephanie who won child handlers with her. Also pictured in her second show in Junior Bitch, called out first place, Judge Sig. Roberto Capute (Ecuador) a well known and successful breeder/Judge commented she was clearly the best in her class, and gave her an excellent critique at the G.S.D.C.V. Champ show - Judge Sig. Roberto Caputi VG VANHARLEY OAKLEY "A" "Z" 14/07/2018 3100378518 Sire: *Xeno V. Arjakjo ‘A’ Ed Normal Kkli (Imp Deu) Dam: Vanharley Intrige "A" "Z" Brd: Exh Exh: M/S D.M. Colson Y:1 M:3 D:18 Height/Depth of Chest: 59.5/27. Over medium size female, very good type. Very good pigment. Well proportioned, high withers, good back, good croup. Very good angulations behind and front. Stepping with good lines front and rear. Very good movement. Oakley has gone on to be very highly placed at both National and Championship shows and received her EXCELLENT Grading every time she competed in the Open Female class. OAKLEY IS NOW RETIRED FROM SHOW AND BREEDING AFTER HER TWO LITTERS. SHE WILL ENJOY THE LAZY LIFE

Pedigree for  Vanharley Oakley 'A' 'Z' Breed Survey Classified - GRD EXCELLENT - DM CLEAR - RETIRED
Breed : German Shepherd Dog Bred by : DM Colson
Sex : Bitch Owned by : Debra Colson
Date of Birth : 14-Jul-18 Handled by :
Call Name : Oakley -Now RETIRED Available for stud : N/A
Sire : Reserve State Sieger XENO V. ARJAKJO 'a'ED Norma KKL Excellent Merit Graded S: SIEGER/VA Omen V. Radhaus 'a'Ed KKLI SchHIII S: SIEGER/VA REMO V. FITCHENSHLAG
D: Thora V. Fichtenschlag 'a'ED KKL SchHIII
Dam : *Vanharley Intrige "A" "Z" S: GOLD MEDAL/EXC Toby VD Plassenberg S: V. Wegus V. Fichtenschlag 'a'ED KKLI
D: V. V. Grace de Cuatro Flores 'a'ED KKLI
D: *Vanharley Quite A Diva "A" "Z" S: Austrian SIEGER/VA/GOLD MEDAL Kwint V Juerikstall 'a'' ED KKLI
D: Vanharley Deja Vu "A" "Z" BSCLI EXC

Recent Results

  • 2-Nov-19 3rd Place - Jur bitch - Graded Very Good
    Received at German Shepherd Dog Club of Vic. Inc (Judge was Sig. Roberto Caputi (Ecuador))
  • 5-Apr-19 2nd PLACE - MPB - Graded Very Promising
    Received at GSDCA 47th National Show (Judge was Herr Richard Brauch SV (Germany))


Contact Details
Debra Colson
Whittlesea, VIC, Australia
Phone : 0419889282
Email : [email protected]

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